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Blackboard Learn
Blackboard is the official Learning Management System for NDSU that connects students, faculty and staff both inside and outside of the class room.
Blackboard Learn is the official Learning Management System for NDSU that connects students, faculty, and staff both inside and outside of the classroom.
Getting Started
- Set up the Duo Mobile app authentication before logging in to Blackboard
- Students will be prompted for Duo Authentication each time they sign in to Blackboard
- Visit the page - Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or watch the video - Setting Up your Duo Mobile Account (1.29) to set up your Duo Mobile app authentication
- Determine how to create your new Blackboard Learn course, create new or select content, and copy over
- Set up your Blackboard Learn profile and notification to best meet your needs and update you on course information
Best Practices
Course design is focused on setting your students up for success and providing a quality learning experience. This means designing learning to give students transparency and clarity about your expectations of their learning, and their performance through assessment. It begins with backward design, considering learning goals first and moving on to aligning assessments and activities with those goals.
Learn More/How To's
- Getting Started - Where do I start, navigating outside/inside a course, find your course, personal settings, browser support, and other helpful beginner tips
- Assignments - Create and edit assignments, assignment grade settings, multiple attempts, grade assignments, downloading, using SafeAssign, portfolios, and self and peer assessments
- Course Content - Create content, reuse content, release content, mobile-friendly courses, course files and best practices
- Grading - Grade reports & statistics, navigate grading, grade columns, external column, attendance, rubrics, history, and grade reports and statistics
- Interact with Students - Announcements, emails, discussions, groups, journals, blogs, wikis and other communication tools
- Test, Pools, and Surveys - Creating test/surveys, questions settings, test/survey options, question types, editing test questions, and much more
- Getting Started - Browser support, navigate inside a course, find your course, and how to succeed online
- About You - Personal settings, profile and portfolios
- Assignments - Submit assignments, submit group assignments, supported file types, assignment grades, and more
- Grades - My grades page, new grade alerts, submission receipts, view feedback, and more
- Interact with Others - Blogs, discussions, email, groups, journals, and other communication tools
- Stay in the Loop - Tasks, announcements, calendar, and notifications
Use Cases
- Delivering instruction, assessing student learning, facilitating communication, and fostering collaboration
Universal Design/Accessibility
- Using strategies and guidelines from Universal Design for Learning and ensuring all of the course content is accessible creates a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment.