Syncing Blackboard Original and Ultra Course to EchoPoll & PointSolutions
Below is an overview of syncing your Blackboard Original and Ultra to PointSolutions.
Instructors must create a PointSolutions account in Blackboard Original and Ultra before they are able to use it in the classroom. With a PointSolutions account, instructors can log in to the application to start polls, manage session data, and view student responses.
Visit Creating an EchoPoll & Pointsolutions Account if you need assistance creating your account.
Visit Creating an EchoPoll & Pointsolutions Account if you need assistance creating your account.
Steps to Syncing Your Course to PointSolutions
Note: Blackboard Original and Ultra courses must be made available and stay available in order for this process to work.
Follow these instructions each semester you use PointSolutions.
- Login to Blackboard Original or Ultra.
- Enter any course and make it available.
- For Blackboard Original, select "Tools" then "PointSolutions Account Registration". For Ultra course, go to Books & Tools -> PointSolutions Account Registration - NDSU
- Login to PointSolutions with your PointSolutions account credentials.
- This brings you to the "Active Courses" Tab within your instructor account.
- Next, select the "NDSU Blackboard" Tab, you may be prompted to sign in to your Blackboard account.
- Select "Select" under the course you would like to use in PointSolutions . This moves it to the "Active Courses" Tab.
To learn more about syncing your course watch this short on-demand video - Blackboard Original Auto Sync (1:40)